Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Culebra's Leatherback Turtle

We just posted a new blog about Culebra's Leatherback Turtles.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Toxic Chemicals at Vieques: Is U.S. Accountable?

When Hermogenes Marrero was in Marine boot camp, he recalls being the only recruit who didn't panic during simulated-chemical-warfare drills. "I'd sit there calmly with my gas mask on," Marrero says, "while a lot of other guys got scared and ran away." It was 1969, and Marrero, a New Yorker born in Puerto Rico, was fresh out of high school at the age of 17. But his composure caught the eyes of Marine instructors — and the next year, he says, he was at Camp Garcia on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques, helping guard for 18 months chemical agents being tested by the U.S. Navy.

rest of story at

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Villa Terruno Culebra

Just In from our friends at

Villa Mi Terruño: Arriba Playa Casajo
hábitat crítico y listado federal:

Zonificacion RO-25 C:    R= Residencial,    O - Especial, Rustica,   

25 (abajo densidad, 1 casa por 25 cuerdas)   

C = (definición de usos mejor)  Conservación

Informe:  Villa Mi Terruño en las noticias....

El DRNA ha accedido a investigar los permisos simples expedidos para el proyecto Villa Mi Terruño.  Con estos permisos, se abrieron caminos que están afectando las aguas de Culebra.  Los proyectos que impactan la calidad de las aguas costeras, afectan además los empleos relacionados al turismo y la pesca, de los que tantos culebreases dependen.

DRNA has agreed to investigate the Simple Permits issued for the Villa Mi Terruño project.  The permits were used to create major transportation infrastructure for the proposed development project and they are impacting coastal waters with erosion and runoff.  Projects that impact the quality of coastal waters, impact Culebra's nature tourism related industry and associated jobs.  It contaminates the water and impacts corals and fish that so many islanders depend on.



[1] Permiso Simples Villa Mi Terruño y ultimo permiso
although only one number on the sign, multiple simple permits were
apparently issued for the poorly planned and constructed dirt roads now
contaminating coastal waters of Culebra.

[2] DRNA Reglamentos de Permiso Simple Dec 2004
NOTE: The DRNA Regulations indicate that what they did is an abuse of a Simple Permit.

[3]  Ponencia Dr. Edwin Hernandez Delgado 2009
Dr. Edwin Hernandez utilized GIS technical program to determine 9km of
roads were cleared on this property with endangered endemic species
onsite and in coastal waters being contaminated.

[4] Various descriptions of Project submitted to agencies and previous consulta
The project is so dense and complicated that the official project
descriptions often conflict with eachother......this will make agency
oversight...should this ever become an option....virtually impossible
in the construction process.

Aerial images from project's presentation documenting roads created
that are consistent with the ubicacion over the past few years.

NOTE:  The project's own presentation documents the illegal road construction.

[6]  Violación Junta de Calidad Ambiental

[7]  Terruño Plan CES Solicitación
This indicates they are not soliciting an erosion control plan for a
mega development that has yet to pass through proper planning channels,
but for work on an existing house...

[8]  JCA carta a Ombudsmon

[9] Intervención Ombudsmon

[10] FEMA Land Use Maps
This project impacts area that the Land Use Management Plan implemented
restricted development zoning to protect the coastal resources from
erosion and siltation caused by impacts to steep sloping volcanic soils.

[11] Comunicación de DRNA 11 jun 2007
DRNA Concerned about endorsement...public navy lands onsight

[12] Comunicación de DRNA 2009
DRNA project has fragmented ecology of area, concerned about project, no endorsement

[13] United States Fish and Wildlife Freedom of Information Act
USFWS over time has told silt ponds..this will cause
more damage to habitat critical to endangered species and it
did....they recommended no unsustainable plastic erosion control
materials..which were used...bombs litter the area, ...goes on and on
until they make a DEAL to propogate the endangered endemic cactus and
like PR Land and Fruits did at the muellecito on Mt. Resaca...and then
the "deal" is twisted by developers to look like a permit or
endorsement from the Agency...

[14] National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (1)

[15] National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2)
NOTE:  The NMFS FOIA revealed that there are intentions to build a marina at Cascajo.

[16] Playa Cascajo that abuts project is listed Resource Cat 1 Critical Habitat, considered irreparable if destroyed.
One would wonder what the point of such a designation is if it is not
proactively defended by the agencies, how for example, could EPA
"legalize" what has happened by issuing a minor fine and NPDES permit
for lands that should never have been touched without proper permits?

[17]  Critical Habitat Waters: Sea Turtles

[18]   Critical Habitat Waters: Corals

[19] EPA Penalty Order

Culebra Development

from our friends over at Coralations....

Daily Sun ran an article today entitled
Planning Board: Communities will count: Island's integrated development plan to include grass roots participation...

According to the article, .JP's Hector Morales Vargas released a new development plan on Sunday and indicated it was created in more than 50 meetings with "diverse" community groups....

 I can populate the list  (not actually in the invention...): 1) Fundaci�n Villa MI Terru�o, 2) Green Lipstick for Pig Projects GLPP (pending 501 c 3 since they just incorporated an hour before the meeting....

3) Dense but Green, Inc...DBG,

4) Recycled Plastic Foliage and Wildlife Statues Lmtd, etc,

5) Mitigation's Are Us, etc......

The paper indicated that there will be hearings 16th -  27th  so no worries....everyone else will literally have "hours" to pour over the new "Strategic Sustainable Development Plans"  before the hearings to be held in San Juan, Mayaguez, Gurabo, Fajardo and Baranquitas...although the exact schedule was not announced in the paper, let alone 15 days prior to the 16th....and of course not on Vieques or Culebra)

The plans are allegedly posted at:  

It is worth it to note that  the "Plans to Develop a Caribbean Riviera",  must now be called: "Plans to Develop a Green Triangle" with El Yunque, Vieques and Culebra.....because... well it sounds much better.....Thus an apparent lesson learned from the infamous  "such is life" speech....

A lottery ticket vendor will be present at all the public hearings.

Culebra Island Weather

As seen on the overall map, there is a lot of moisture out there doing swirls and dips, quite a dance on loops. So far we've only gotten a brief rain out of it in the wee hours this morning. Official forecast says we could get more today but not for long. I know better than to mention or hope for sky drops at this time of year, so whatever shall be shall be!

Nothing out there that carries any worries yet. I start my first of the off season housesitting gigs today and do NOT anticipate anything going on while the owners are off being holiday makers. Really!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dinghy Dock Celebrates 20 Years!

Dinghy Dock continues it's 20th (!!) celebration on Culebra with Karoke night.

See Go To Culebra's Island Forum for more information!